Why I Wait Until Memorial Day Weekend To Plant Flowers

May 31, 2022by Sarah Day
Every year I wait until Memorial Day weekend to fill my
outdoor pots with beautiful spring flowers from one of our local greenhouses,
even if the weather leading up to that weekend is warm and springlike. Why do I
do this? Because inevitably if I plant them before we will not just have a
rainstorm over the long weekend like we did this year, but we will have a
blizzard and I’ll either be lugging the pots back inside or they won’t survive.
It's just a little reminder that Montana’s spring can be fleeting and
There is a perfect window of opportunity to purchase and
plant. I do recommend purchasing your flowers, vegetables and herbs on Memorial
Day weekend or very shortly after. I’ve learned the hard way that if you wait
too long you’ll miss out on the inventory and be stuck with one sad looking tomato
Our local greenhouses have wonderful selections and they are
the true experts on plant recommendations and care. However, as someone who
does admittedly not have much of a green thumb but loves planting annual pots
anyways, I’ve found through trial and error what seems to work best in this
area. If you’re looking for some color variation, Snapdragons are the way to
go. They often come in mixed color groups and hold up to wind and extreme sun
so long as you remember to water them.
What doesn’t seem to hold up? Unfortunately, I have always
struggled with Pansies even though they are one of my favorite. I think they’ll
do okay if they are in a relatively protected and shaded area but try as I
might they never last past mid-June in the planters I put out on my back deck
(aka direct afternoon sunlight). Of course I included them again this year
despite this. I think I’m always drawn to them because they are already in
bloom when I purchase and they make the pots look cheerful right away, whereas
the Snapdragons won’t bloom for a few more weeks.
Good luck with your spring flowers and let me know any of
your personal recommendations!