NAR Settlement Outcome

September 26, 2024by Sarah Day
How has the NAR Settlement affected real estate? I’m happy
to report that overall it hasn’t changed much. Both listing agent and buyer
agent compensation has always been negotiable and continues to be now. What has
changed is that selling agents can no longer share what they’re offering as a
cooperating compensation to buyer’s agents on the MLS. So how are the cooperating
compensations shared? Through communication off of the MLS. In practice this is
usually by phone, email or text.
The other result of the settlement is that across the
country it’s now required to have a Buyer Representation Agreement in place
before a buyer tours any property with an agent. This was previously already required in Montana
so that hasn’t actually changed for us. What has changed is some of the wording
in the Buyer Representation Agreement in an effort to make communication about
compensation more clear.
If you’re a buyer and wondering how your buyer’s agent
professional fee (or compensation) is going to be paid here’s what you should
know - it can be paid in three ways. First, through a cooperating compensation agreement
with the listing agent. Secondly, by the seller through a seller concession.
Third, by you as the buyer outright. Your buyer’s agent should be reaching out
to the listing agent of each home you’ll look at beforehand to determine what
the cooperating compensation is, if any. If you happen to be interested in a
property that is not offering any cooperating compensation you and your agent
will have to discuss how to proceed, either using option 2 or 3 mentioned
You might be wondering how likely it is that you’ll have to
pay your buyer’s agent professional fee yourself as a buyer. In my opinion it
is not going to be very likely. I believe that sellers will see the benefit of
offering compensation to the buyer’s agent in some form. There are so many
benefits of having a good buyer’s agent for all parties, including but not limited
to transactional ease, reducing liability and increasing the likelihood of a successful
If you have any questions about the changes or real estate
in general, please don’t hesitate to reach out!