Spring In Montana - What You Need To Know

March 29, 2022by Sarah Day
Yesterday the sun was shining and the temperature rose to 65
degrees. As I sit here and write this post, it’s spitting thick raindrops that are
trying their very best to become snowflakes. The most important thing to know
about Spring in Montana is that it’s extremely temperamental and will continue
to go back and forth between what most people call spring and winter until one
day you realize it’s summer. Sometimes that doesn’t happen until late June or
early July.
What does this mean and how do you adjust? In terms of
wardrobe, the key is to wear layers. You might start out in the morning in your
winter jacket and end up in a tank top by afternoon, only to race for your
jacket again the second the sun goes down. Dressing prepared and wearing layers
is my favorite way to ensure that I’m comfortable all day long, no matter what
the day brings. In addition, I personally keep a pair of muck boots or old
tennis shoes in my car to change into if needed. I find this helpful professionally
in case I end up showing a property last minute that’s more remote. However, I
also find it helpful personally in case I get the chance to take a walk or hike
at lunch – I’m ready to go!
Speaking of walking and hiking, there are some things to
know about those activities specifically in spring. As soon as the weather
warms up we all race outside to hit the trails and take in the reprieve from
our long winter. I absolutely get it - I do the same thing. What we all need to
remember is that using dirt trails during this time of year can actually cause
a lot of damage and make them less enjoyable or unusable later in the year. Why
is that? Because they’re usually muddy and our footsteps are more impactful -
they create divets and ruts. Even worse, due to human nature certain places on the
trail actually become widened as people avoid big puddles and the landscape adjacent
to the trail is ruined by heavy foot traffic.
Luckily we have options. There are numerous paved trails
around town and most neighborhoods (all of the newer ones) have sidewalks
systems. They may not be quite the same as hiking your favorite trail, but they
still get you outside. They might also guide you to a new area of town you
wouldn’t have explored before! My top recommendation is to check out the path along
Bridger Canyon Road.
As I’ve mentioned, the weather goes back and forth and you’re
constantly changing your outfits and shoes. What is much harder to change
quickly is your car tires. I don’t personally recommend taking them off too
early. Unless we get up into the 70’s and you have to drive a long ways on the
interstate, your snow tires will probably be fine left on until May. In fact,
studded snow tires aren’t legally required to be removed until May 31 because
they know up until then they might be needed! That doesn’t mean you can’t
SCHEDULE your tire change before May though. Beat the crowds and call the tire
store next week! You’ll be thankful you did it when everyone else is scrambling
to have it done and the tire store will be thankful you aren’t adding to the
chaos that they deal with every spring and fall.
Does all of this sound daunting? Is it making you want to
pack up and leave – maybe even for just a little bit? Then do that too. In my
opinion March-May is a great time to travel. I’m not saying you need to take an
extended leave from your job and miss the entire season (there are some nice
parts about it!) but travelling somewhere else during this time can help you
wait for summer to get here a little more patiently. It especially helps if you’re
able to travel somewhere warmer, even just down to Salt Lake City.
Spring is my favorite season. If you’ve gotten this far in
the post you may have just read that last sentence and said “seriously?”. But yes,
absolutely spring is my favorite season. It feels hopeful and exciting. I love the
way the valley looks as it starts to green up and there’s still snow on the mountains.
It feels fresh and like the opportunity for a new start. Perhaps it’s also
comforting to know that the season that follows is summer, which is another
incredible time here in the Gallatin Valley. During spring you have the comfort
of knowing that you won’t be freezing cold for the next few months and you can
breathe a sigh of relief.
If you want any more suggestions for how to adapt to spring in Bozeman, don’t hesitate to reach out! I’d love to meet you on one of the paved paths to walk and get to chat.